Because who doesn’t love crunchy chips??  { apple & banana }

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I crave crunchy things. Sometimes I want to eat a whole bag of chips and sometimes I sort of do.  People will suggest eating carrots because they are crunchy. Um no. I love carrots but carrots are not chips and there’s way I can convince myself they are.


Best alternative: make your own chips. Apple and bananas make for excellent chips that are healthy, sweet and crunchy.  Using a dehydrator you can make them yourself and you’ll save a lot of money.



  1. Buy some apples and bananas( not overripe ones)
  2. Slice the apples in equal widths. Do the same for the bananas. You don’t want some crunchy apples and some still soft so this is important.

Optional: spray a bit a lemon juice to prevent browning. I don’t mind the     browning of the bananas though.

  1. Place them on the dehydrator at temperature suggested ( usually 125 -135 F)
  2. They should take between 8-12 hours**. I usually start them before I go to bed and check them in the morning. If you aren’t sleeping you should rotate your trays for even drying

** It depends on how crunchy you like them

** It also depends on how thin\thick you slice them

  1. Let them cool and put them in a Zip lock and suck the air out so that they won’t get soft.


Enjoy within the week. They aren’t filled with preservatives so they won’t last forever 😉

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You can also dehydrate tomatoes, mangoes, pineapples, carrots and potatoes!

Questions? Just ask!


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