Video:The spinach salad you’ll want to eat



Simply grab a handful of spinach and throw in some strawberries, avocado, feta cheese and pecans for a delicious flavorful salad. The sweetness of the strawberries compliment the spinach very well. In fact, I will only eat raw spinach if paired with berries !

Check out my vimeo : <p><a href=”″>The Spinach Salad You’ll Want To Eat</a> from <a href=”″>Tarah Cole</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a>.</p>”>The spinach salad you’ll want to eat

The 10 Core Exercises for a STRONG 2016.

I recommend splitting the exercises into parts. Take 5 exercises at a time and aim for 15-30 reps of each. Then repeat 2-3 times. Next, try the other 5.

You may need to work up to this type of volume and that’s okay. Your arms, glutes and legs are going to burn!

Try increasing  reps\sets\seconds each week but remember, it’s about good form and engaging the core muscles.

“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” – Fred DeVito

Happy New Year!




side step plank




side plank



v'sreverse crunch

A bountiful garden on Christmas Day in Ohio

Having a garden doesn’t have to be a summer hobby. There are so many vegetables that love the cooler temperatures in Ohio. Over the next few posts, I’ll explain how to build a hoop house to turn your fall garden into a winter garden! Some of the vegetables seen in this picture: carrots, spinach, lettuce varieties, kale, swiss chard, turnip greens, arugula, endive, kohlrabi, fava beans and more!

Follow me to find out more!

Homemade nut butters

Buying peanut, almond butter or sunflower seed butter at a grocery store means unwanted oils, sugars and mystery ingredients. Making your own is CHEAP and SIMPLE. 1916886_10208114988013451_7713370511652806112_nSimply buy whichever nut or seed you prefer and grind it in a food processor. After about five minutes the oils will come to life and your butter will get smooth!943889_10208114987933449_4971526086442332080_n

Sometimes you’ll want to stir it around if the food processor isn’t blending it anymore. Feel free to add salt, sugar, honey or any extras you’d like!